Last Post ,Reflection

In this course , i have great experience and learnt many things related to research .before starting this course i have no knowledge about APA reference and even did not know how its useful in research but at the end of this course i know everything related reference and how we can use ZOTERO whichContinue reading “Last Post ,Reflection”

Peer Review about another person Area of interest

Person I checked my classmate area of interest and every one have their own interest in different-different fields and every one have their own choice but now i am going to discuss about Mahesh area of research . Topic The name of the topic is “virtual reality” which is also influence me and very interestingContinue reading “Peer Review about another person Area of interest”

Task 5 Reading Academic Paper

In this blog i selected one academic paper and i will discuss about this paper and try to compare this with the following questions which are given by our tutor Lars Did the abstract tell you the three things I said it should? What seems to be the research question(s) they were trying to answerContinue reading “Task 5 Reading Academic Paper”

Blog about presentation of Case Study Research :

introduction case study is a popular form of qualitative analysis and complete observation of particular thing . the case study more emphasis limited number of events or conditions and their interrelation case study method is focus on individually limited number of events and their interrelation . this study in depth rather than breath . HowContinue reading “Blog about presentation of Case Study Research :”

Blog , week -4

Topic -Computational Thinking – this is the basic skill for reading ,writing which is followed by the people in the whole world from mid of 21st century . first source of evidence – URL,Computational Thinking. https// search term used – Computational Thinking How you find it – by searching on google or google scholar .Continue reading “Blog , week -4”

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